Breath of heaven ...
Have you made time recently to sit and observe the autumn breeze that blows through the yard and down the road? Look at how the leaves swirl and soar into flight. They defy gravity as they rise and rotate, acting as though supported by an invisible force. They move as if pushed by a heavenly breath.
The Lord is on the move much like the wind we witness swirling through the branches and grass. He is circling with careful intention, sweeping through our lives, and stirring hearts like never before. The Father did this back in the ancient days and He is still on the move carrying out his transformative work today too.
In the book of John chapter 3, Jesus teaches Nicodemus about the Kingdom of God and the importance of being born again … born of both water and spirit. He then makes a connection to the wind in verse 8:
“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
The Holy Spirit is one of the three parts of the Godhead that is God’s precious and promised gift to us. It empowers us and carries out the work of the Father and Son through us. It “performs” by whispering truth to us and nudging our hearts to align with the Father. It also hovers in and through us like a breath from above. In John chapter 14 Jesus shares more about the Father:
“(v.16-18) and he will give us another Counselor to be with us forever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans …”
Did you hear this promise, dear one? The faithful Father will not leave us alone on this earth as orphans. No matter how difficult or dark the days ahead get, he promises a Heavenly force to surge us forward. He formed a plan to equip us with the counsel, guidance, and nurturing support we need. Yes, He sent the Holy Spirit as the ultimate good gift to abide with us forever! The Holy Spirit counsels us in all truth, advocates for us, and activates discernment in our hearts. Without it, we would be wondering and lost.
This is a promise for the birth parents we hope to encounter one day too. Any mom questioning her role in life and child in her womb needs to know that she is a daughter of the Most High King. She has a purpose and place in the story of her child’s life. Will she pause to listen to the breath of heaven blowing about her? Our prayer is that she will “catch” the stirring of the Holy Spirit and curiously follow his lead.
Amy Grant’s song “Breath of Heaven” depicts Mary’s difficult journey to birth the son of God. Here Mat and Savanna Shaw highlight the warm breath of God holding Mary together when tempted to fear. The Lord walked closely with her through a world cold as stone.
We might not know where the wind begins nor ends, but we certainly know the One who is the Beginning (Alpha) and the End (Omega). We trust the One who controls the shifting wind. He is the Voice of Truth that even the wind and waves obey. He is the same One who calms the storms and settles the weathering winds and rain that erode rock to sand. This Holy Spirit, or breath of heaven, never leaves a human heart the same; it penetrates the heart and brings transformational change.
Look how the child below is aware of the approaching storm and winds of change by the seaside. I imagine she turns to submit to the breeze, allowing the dancing winds to blow past her. She is aware that she cannot control its sudden gusts.
A poem by Rowena Bennet:
“God is Like This”
I cannot see the wind at all
Or hold it in my hand;
And yet I know there is a wind
Because it swirls the sand.
I know there is a wonderous wind,
Because I glimpse its power
Whenever it bends low a
Or sways the smallest flower
And God is very much like this,
Invisible as air;
I cannot touch or see Him, yet
I know that He is there
Because I glimpse His wonderous works
And goodness everywhere.
The next time the wind catches you off guard, whisper to the Lord a prayer of gratefulness. Thank him for the opportunity to be reminded of the Holy Spirit’s steady stream of Truth and Counsel he sends you. Don’t miss his tangible, daily presence right within you because of the distractions that interfere. I pray the expectant parents we connect with sense His flow and power just as we do … as real as the wind that rustles the leaves and nudges our hearts. Also, please whisper a prayer for our adoption journey and the Divine connection we are holding out for. We wait with eagerness and excitement; wondering when the waiting will turn to dancing!
Please help share our contact information with anyone interested in adoption ( Our profile is also listed at a site called Pair Tree Family: Want to partner with us financially? Visit our crowdfunding site and search Gillette family.
“God is Like This”
Or hold it in my hand;
And yet I know there is a wind
Because it swirls the sand.
I know there is a wonderous wind,
Because I glimpse its power
Whenever it bends low a
Or sways the smallest flower
Invisible as air;
I cannot touch or see Him, yet
I know that He is there
Because I glimpse His wonderous works
And goodness everywhere.
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