Breath of heaven ...

Have you made time recently to sit and observe the autumn breeze that blows through the yard and down the road? Look at how the leaves swirl and soar into flight. They defy gravity as they rise and rotate, acting as though supported by an invisible force. They move as if pushed by a heavenly breath . The Lord is on the move much like the wind we witness swirling through the branches and grass. He is circling with careful intention, sweeping through our lives, and stirring hearts like never before. The Father did this back in the ancient days and He is still on the move carrying out his transformative work today too. In the book of John chapter 3, Jesus teaches Nicodemus about the Kingdom of God and the importance of being born again … born of both water and spirit. He then makes a connection to the wind in verse 8: “ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spi...