You Lead, I'll Follow ...
Psalm 37:23
The very footprints of God’s children are ordered; they are both directed and established by the Author of Life. And here is the best news: he not only delights in this journey with us, but He also desires to bless it! What a promise to hold onto when rough waters arise.
I can walk forward in confidence today because I know my Abba Father, and I know his heart. He is trustworthy and FOR me in the waiting and uncertainty of tomorrow. He walks before me in this adoption journey and goes ahead of me in the unknown territory ahead.
Jamie Grace sings a song titled: “You Lead, I Follow” and her upbeat words are edifying. Her chorus repeats, "You lead, I’ll follow; Your hands hold my tomorrow. So lead me on …"
A friend recently shared that a delay or unanswered prayer does not mean God has abandoned us; it means He is diligently working on our behalf. God’s delay is the reminder that He is moving parts behind the scene and preparing the way for His outcome. He is actively orchestrating people and events for His glory while I am invited to participate in the process. Simultaneously, I am free to rest in His presence and let Him accomplish the heavy lifting all the way down to the fine details. What encouragement and hope this brings me!
I picture a craftsperson carefully aligning the details of a beautiful embroidery or cross stitch. He sees the evolving tapestry from the top view point. A clear scene unfolds in time, but down below a little one (like me) watches and waits in wonder. The threads appear to cross over in an intricate mess of knots. I contemplate … "how will that complicated pile of string amount to anything worthy?" Then the Maker, when he is ready, flips the tapestry over to reveal a distinct picture. I see a unique work of art I could never have imagined! What a captivating finished product! This is the Maker weaving the heart of our family together. Thank goodness He has the whole perspective in mind for our destiny. Forgive me for my lack of faith and narrow sight, confined to such a limited view.
Today I step forward in FAITH because I trust the Good Father who leads my walk. I also trust the Giver who will connect us to an expectant mother and baby when He sees fit. God desires to bring each of us into a spacious place where we see Him more clearly. Are you stepping out and following His lead? Am I stepping into the wide-open space He’s called me to? Let us listen to his voice and follow the steps of the faithful Leader ahead of us.
Psalm 18:35-36
Please share our contact information with anyone interested in adoption ( Our profile is also listed at a site called Pair Tree Family: Want to partner with us financially? Please visit and search Gillette family.
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