Keep on Singing ...


We sing JOY, we sing JOY, we sing JOY!  Hallelujah!”  

This is Cloverton’s creative verse added to the classic Christmas song we all know: Joy to the World.  His bold voice inspires me to belt out beautiful praise to our Creator not just this time of year but all year long.  Why?  We have a Rescuer and Redeemer in Christ Jesus who came once as a humble babe in manger, and who we anticipate coming again for us soon.  The birth pangs of this earth are in full motion and there is need for a joyful melody to ring across our land. 

As a parent looking to adopt I can honestly say, “We sing JOY!” this Christmas season even in the patience and unknown. We see the gift of our son Trace and we rejoice in his health and life even if he is our only child on earth.  We rejoice in the fact our two beautiful daughters are safe and secure in heaven with Jesus while the world is crumbling.  We sing JOY wondering what baby will be added to our family (or if a foster child might enter our doors down the road).


There are certainly days that I am weary from the pace of life, hard-pressed on every side, and worn out in the waiting … waiting for adoption to take place and for the Lord to return for us.  I long to see this world set right, truth restored, and families growing in health and peace.  These can be dark days when no melodies slip from my weak lips.  BUT there are many days when the light breaks through we are reminded of the HOPE we hold and the JOY set before us.  Yes, we have to choose to repeat the sounding joy … repeat the sounding joy!  Glimmers of anticipation shatter the dark unknown and bold purpose releases from mouths that sing praise.  The joy of the Lord is our strength!

In the 3rd grade classroom this December, my students encouraged me with their angelic voices daily. We participated together in joyful songs as we worked, worshiped, and transitioned from one activity to the next. (It was one of the only ways to keep their attention.)  O come let us adore Him” resounded more often than not on our hall because it settled our hearts.  I also needed the personal reminder that this king has come for me, and that I am invited to be enthralled with him.  Singing redirected my misplaced focus.


As the birth of Christ approaches and passes, how can we not echo a chorus or shout out in thanks?  We are invited to keep on singing amid the chaos and confusion of today and in the waiting spaces of our lives.  I long to choose tunes of praise even in the difficult unknowns and question marks I carry.  This might be my new prayer going onto 2022: “Grow me as a music maker who continuously sings JOY!”

Mary of Nazareth modeled singing in Luke 1:46-55 when she offered a song of praise after encountering the angel Gabriel.  She could have fretted or shouted out in fear, but instead she declared herself a servant of the Lord, ready to carry God’s son.

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.  From now on all generations will call me blessed, for He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.”


Yes, her song was an offering to the Father above and she gave it freely and without hesitation.  As I long for another child I want to repeat this same resounding joy and give thanks for today's blessings.

May fresh, new songs spring forth in each of us no matter what our circumstances present.  Lord, please birth new praises in us with messages of hope and remind us of our purpose on this earth.  And may Nehemiah’s words (Ch.8 verse 10) hold true for us as enter the unknown of 2022:

“The JOY of the Lord is my strength!”

Please share our contact information with anyone interested in adoption ( Our profile is also listed at a site called Pair Tree Family:  Want to partner with us financially?  Go to and search Gillette family.


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