Joy in the journey!
Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of LIFE; you fill me with JOY in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Joy isn't just the feeling of cheerfulness or a happy heart. We know happiness is an emotion that ebbs and flows. Instead, joy is a decision or faithful choice; it's a peaceful filling from above that you can carry in the deepest lows and through the climb to the highest peaks. Our prayer is for JOY to flood us amid the ups and downs that we encounter in the writing of this adoption story. Will there be surprises and tears? I'm certain. Will there be painful waits or heartbreaks? Most likely. (But these trials never come without the promise of HOPE around the corner.) We need you, our family and friends, to point us to the JOY and remind us of the HOPE we hold tight to, especially when clouds thicken and the sun goes hiding.
I'm excited to report that we received the best update on Friday afternoon. Our social worker emailed to share the news that YES we are in fact home study approved. Praise God!!! The stamped certificate came through and our 13 page home study is proof of the 6 month process we endured. We are beyond thrilled to know that Virginia has certified us to adopt up to two children. Wow - what could God have in store?
Now we wonder together, "What's the next best step in this process?" After prayer, counsel from our social worker, and discussion with multiple families that have adopted, we are considering a private adoption. This direction would take us down the path of word of mouth networking, rather than directly to an agency or consultant. (At any point, however, we can invite an agency or consultant into the picture.) It allows us to walk by faith and not by sight ... to let God do the connecting and work. It also is more cost effective path and puts a hold on interviews and applications for a season.
Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
So what's our job? Our role will be to spread the word that we are looking to adopt an infant or child, make connections over social media, pray for birth parents that would match with us, locate an assertive attorney, and wait with patience. Yes, we are to choose JOY in the journey no matter how rough or smooth the road becomes, and we are to keep moving forward toward the little one waiting on us!
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