His fingerprints are evident ...

There is no denying that God’s fingerprints have been all over the adoption story of our daughter, Brookley Patience. I keep learning of specific examples where the Lord showed up and came through for us with a connection or an open door when we were unaware. Yet all along the winding journey, He was faithfully directing the steps toward our connection. Yes, our Good Father was constantly at work behind the scenes, aligning every detail into place so two Richmond birth parents would select a particular family of three to graft their little one into a new family tree. Psalm 116:2 "Because He inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live. " I have to pause and wonder, what do God’s fingerprints look like? And what do they say to me personally if I could read the words between the lines? Words like these come to mind as I envision the words impressed from His fingertips: "I have heard your petitions and pleas, daughter. I have seen y...